
Tuesday 13 March 2018

Mini Movie Review: Literally, Right Before Aaron (2017) #badmovies

Literally, Right Before Aaron
Romantic Comedy

An indie version of My Best Friend's Wedding with the male lead in place of the female one, only minus the charm and star power of Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz, this movie came and went away quickly without anyone noticing, whatsoever last year. As I watched this, it's of no surprise, really, as it's not great, but neither is it okay. Justin Long's character, Adam is the male version of Julianne from My Best Friend's Wedding with Long trying to win back the love of his life, but the movie is mostly dry and unbelievably dull. Like My Best Friend's Wedding and more populist offerings of this type, which have dabbled in the anti-protagonist -turned- nice person, in the end, they are softer and have just enough quality, in all areas, to sail by. Literally, Before Aaron, on the other hand, has practically none with a B/Z-movie cast and comedy-wise, it fails to hit the mark. A movie that doesn't attempt to say anything about Adam's ego and to improve on the premise. 

Is It Worth Watching?

Stick with My Best Friend's Wedding instead


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