
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Mini Retro Review: American Kickboxer 2 (1993) #badmovies

American Kickboxer 2
Martial Arts Action

The daughter gets kidnapped/goes missing and the mother (softcore actress Kathy Shower) hires two guys she used to have a relationship with to get her back. Sounds familiar? Well, this is a martial arts version of the Robin Williams/Billy Crystal film, Fathers' Day, which has the same plot - only American Kickboxer 2 has minus the comedy... although some of the scenes here may come across as unintentionally funny. Like the terrible Kickboxer 3: The Aggressor, the so-called follow-up to American Kickboxer 1 has nothing in common with the previous entry in the series, as it functions as a typical action movie, rather than being it a tournament-based one. The little girl's voice is clearly not an English sounding girl that when I hear her voice it sounds like a woman pretending to be the little girl. It also has Tackleberry from Police Academy in it. Though the story is set in the U.S, this one was actually filmed in the Philippines. Lots of bad dubbing and hammy acting and overacting, heavy grunting. As a martial arts film, it's ineffective; though the fights are mostly sub-standard, the production is bottom of the barrel low- budget variety and the writing is weak. Still, I'd take this over Kickboxers 3 & 4. Just about.

Is It Worth Watching?



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