
Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Mini Movie Review: Breaking In (2018) #badmovies

Breaking In
A Panic Room type- scenario cannot disguise the fact that this poorly developed thriller feels so utterly random and underwhelming, it's disappointing to see how watered down everything feels as a low budget DTV, Lifetime movie-of-the-week cheapie, and that a premise would have worked even better had the suspense and characters felt more believable. As it wasn't, it all fell and felt flat. Gabrielle Union tries to make it work, but the material is so feeble and her character doesn't get to beat the bad guys up properly. The villains aren't intimidating or threatening enough; truly they are the worst I have seen in any film for quite some time, the writer does nothing with the formula that doesn't engage with the audience and with that, it feels barren and a bore and the characters' motives aren't that clear and the violence is anaemic. I stuck with the story, assuming it would get better, but my hopes were dashed when every idea Breaking In touches, goes nowhere. It doesn't even attempt to go so over-the-top and wacky to be a guilty pleasure and to roll with it. It tries hard in being smart when it wants to be when it comes off as needless, and dull. The best part is the generous -yet short run-time. 

Breaking In can't break new ground. A pity. 

Is It Worth Watching?

Only if there is nothing else


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