
Sunday, 30 January 2022

Mini Retro Review: D-Tox (2002) #badmovies

D-Tox aka Eye See You
Psychological Thriller- Horror 

A waste of a potential slasher premise, D-Tox (based on the novel, Jitter Joint) crumbles due to Slyvester Stallone's miscasting and filmmakers totally blow it with the set-up. Directed by the same man who did I Know What You Did Last Summer - his one and only notable critical, - if not commerical success -, D-Tox is a supposed Friday The 13-type slasher: think The Thing with a bit of Wes Craven's Scream. D-Tox sees an alcoholic FBI agent sent to rehab of sorts & on the hunt for a serial killer, who killed his bride-to-be. The film was shot and produced in 1999 and distributed by Universal at the cost of $55 million yet it didn't get a release until 2002 in the U.S as it got shelved for 5 years, so technically it is a late-1990s movie that was pushed towards direct-to-DVD. Yet the release was limited under the title, 'I See You'. It received multiple re-shoots, rewrites and initial test screenings were negative; that, and the original producer pulled out. It is so blase & hackneyed and as a straight to DVD film, it is what it is sadly. Besides the kills, the rest of the film is stale as bread. The characters hardly register on any level, whatsoever, the kills are not shocking enough, lacking the sadism of the over-the-top extremity of Paul Verhoven's much-maligned Hollow Man & the film is watered down. That film divides a lot of people, yet shocks-wise it is far better and much more entertaining than D-Tox. Subjectively speaking, as Sly Stallone films go, this is (arguably) one of his worst. 

Is It Worth Watching?

For Sly Stallone completists only 


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